Designing Integrated High Quality Linux Applications

Avi Alkalay

IBM Linux Impact Team ::
Senior IT and Software Architect :: Linux Market Developer

<avi at>
<avi at>
Copyright © 2002 Avi Alkalay
v2.1, 2002-08-24

Revision History
Revision 2.1   24 Aug 2002 avi
Rewrite of the /opt /usr/local section. Cosmetics on graphical user interface
and plugins sections. Fixed screens and programlistings width.
Revision 2.0   07 May 2002 avi
Final XML conversion. Files reorganization.
Revision 1.9.9 20 Apr 2002 avi
Included other document locations.
Revision 1.98  14 Apr 2002 avi
Title changed from "Creating" to "Designing".
Revision 1.97  09 Apr 2002 avi
Converted to XML 4.1.2, and started to use real XSLT. Spell checked the
english version.
Revision 1.96  23 Mar 2002 avi
Better HTML style sheets.
Revision 1.95  17 Mar 2002 avi
Last chapter: One Body, Many Souls. Created appendix. Still have to translate
some words here and there.
Revision 1.9   16 Mar 2002 avi
Added universal software table with FHS.
Revision 1.7   16 Mar 2002 avi
Everything is now translated except some words.
Revision 1.3   27 Feb 2002 avi
Translated and reviewed the most important section of the article: The /opt
and /usr/local section.
Revision 1.2   23 Feb 2002 avi
English translation at 65%. Doing some corrections to potuguese version also.
Revision 1.1   17 Feb 2002 avi
Started english translation.
Revision 1.0   16 Feb 2002 avi
First final version of proposed skeleton.
Revision 0.9.6 16 Feb 2002 avi
Finished Plugin chapter.
Revision 0.9.5 15 Feb 2002 avi
Finished chapter about boot and subsystems.
Revision 0.9.4 14 Feb 2002 avi
Finished chapter describing the boot process.
Revision 0.9.3 08 Feb 2002 avi
Text and style updates.
Revision 0.9.2 07 Feb 2002 avi
Text updates.
Revision 0.9   06 Feb 2002 avi
First translation to DocBook.

Table of Contents





























1. Introduction

Linux is becoming more and more popular, and many Software vendors are porting
their products from other platformas. This document (article) tries to clarify
some issues and give tips on how to create Linux applications highly integrated
to the Operating System, security and easy of use.
The examples run on Red_Hat Linux, and should be compatible with other
distributions based on Red Hat (Conectiva, Turbolinux, Caldera, PLD, Mandrake,

2. User Friendly: Guaranteed Success

The user-friendly concept is missassociated with a good GUI (graphical user
interface). In fact, it is much more than that. In systems like Linux (with
more server-like characteristics), the user measures how easy a Software is,
mainly in the installation and initial configuration. He can even forget how
easy were to install and use a certain product, but it will never forget that a
Software package has a complex configuration and installation process. A
migration or new installation allways will be a nightmare, making the user
avoid it.

2.1. Embrace the Install-and-Use Paradigm

Imagine you'll install that expansive product your company bought from ACME,
and realized you'll have to do the following:

  1. To have a manual that shows the installation process step-by-step. We know
     that a manual is the last thing the user reads
  2. Read some README files
  3. Uncompress huge files in your disk (after downloading them from net our
     CD), to create the installation environment
  4. Read more README files that appeared in the installation environment
  5. Comprehend that the installation requires you to execute in a special way
     some provided script (the inconvenient ./
  6. Uncomfortably answer some questions that the script does, like target
     directory, user for the installation, etc. To make it worse, it frequently
     happens in a terminal that has a missconfigured backspace
  7. After the installation, configure some environment variables in your
     profile, like $PATH, $LIBPATH, $ACMEPROGRAM_DATA_DIR,
  8. Edit OS files to include the presence of the new product (e.g. /etc/
     inetd.conf, /etc/inittab)
  9. And the worse: Change security permissions of OS directories and files to
     let the product run OK

Sounds familiar? Who never faced this sad situation, that inducts the user to
make mistakes? If your products' installation process sound like Uncompress-
Copy-Configure-ConfigureMore-Use, like this one, you have a problem, and the
user won't like it.
Users like to feel that your Product integrates well with the OS. You should
not demand that the OS adapt himself to your Product (changing environment
variables, etc). It must let the user Install-and-Use.
The Install-And-Use glory is easily achieved using a 3 ingredients receipt:

  1. Understanding the Four Universal Parts of Any Software
  2. Understanding how they are related to Linux's directory hierarchy
  3. Aggressively use a package system, for process automation and leverage
     first items. In our case is RPM.

We'll discuss here what are these ingredients and how to implement them.

3. The Four Universal Parts of Any Software

The file set of any Application Software, graphical, server-side, commercial,
open/free, monolithic etc, has allways four universal parts:

1st :: The Software on its own: the body

The executables, libraries, static-data files, examples, manuals and
documentation, etc. Regular users must have read-only access to these files.
They are changed only when the system administrator makes an upgrade in this

2nd :: Configuration Files: the soul

These are files that define how the Software will run, how to use the Content,
security, performance etc. Without them, the Software_on_its_own is usually
Depending on your Software, specific privileged users may change these files,
to make the Software behave as they want.
It is important to provide documentation about the configuration files.

3rd :: Content

Is what receives all the user attention. Is what the user delegated to be
managed by your Product. Is what makes a user throw away your product and use
the competitors', if it gets damaged.
Are the tables of a database system, the documents for a text editor, the
images and HTML pages of a web-server, the servlets and EJBs of an Application
Server, etc.

4th :: Logs, Dumps etc

Server Software use to generate access logs, trace files problem determination,
temporary files etc. Other types of softwares also use this files, but it is
less common.
It is the last class of file, but many times they are the most problem
generator for a system administrator, because their volume can surpass even the
content size. Due this fact, it is important for you to think in some
methodology or facility for this issue, while you are in design time.

3.1. Practical Examples

Let's see how universal is this concept analyzing some types of softwares:
Table 1. Universality of 4 Parts
|             |Software_on_its|Configurations|Content        |Logs,_Dumps_etc|
|              |               |              |Table files,   |               |
|              |               |              |index files,   |               |
|              |               |Files that    |etc. This      |For DBs, there |
|              |               |define the    |software use to|are the backup,|
|              |               |directory of  |have whole     |generated in a |
|              |               |the data      |trees under the|daily basis.   |
|              |               |files. For    |same directory.|And the logs   |
|Data Base     |Binaries,      |this type of  |And many times |are used by the|
|Server        |libraries,     |Software, the |they need      |DBA to define  |
|              |documentations.|remaining     |several        |indexing       |
|              |               |configurations|filesystems to |strategy. His  |
|              |               |usually are in|guarantee      |local on the   |
|              |               |special tables|performance.   |system is also |
|              |               |inside the    |Their local in |defined by the |
|              |               |database.     |the system is  |Configurations.|
|              |               |              |defined by they|               |
|              |               |As a user-    |               |               |
|              |               |oriented      |               |They show as   |
|              |               |Software, its |               |temporary files|
|              |               |configurations|               |that can be    |
|              |The same,      |must be put in|The documents  |huge. User can |
|              |templates,     |each user's   |generated by   |define their   |
|Text Processor|modular file   |$HOME         |the user, and  |location with a|
|              |format filters,|directory, and|they go some   |user-friendly  |
|              |etc            |are files that|place in his   |dialog (that   |
|              |               |defines       |$HOME          |saves it in    |
|              |               |standard fonts|               |some           |
|              |               |and           |               |Configuration  |
|              |               |tabulation,   |               |file)          |
|              |               |Each user has |               |               |
|              |               |a             |               |               |
|              |               |configuration |               |               |
|              |Same, audio    |file in his   |Similar to Text|Similar to Text|
|MP3 generator |modular filters|$HOME, and    |Editor         |Editor         |
|              |               |contains      |               |               |
|              |               |bitrate       |               |               |
|              |               |preferences   |               |               |
|              |               |              |               |Preciouses     |
|              |               |Files that    |Directories    |access logs,   |
|              |               |define the    |where the      |vital for      |
|              |               |Content       |webmaster      |Marketing      |
|              |Similar to Data|directory,    |deposits his   |Intelligence,  |
|Web Server    |Base           |network and   |creativity.    |that are       |
|              |               |performance   |Again defined  |generated in a |
|              |               |parameters,   |by the         |location and   |
|              |               |security, etc |Configurations |format defined |
|              |               |              |               |by             |
|              |               |Files that    |The preciouses |Mail transfer  |
|              |Similar to     |define how to |users mail     |log, virus     |
|e-Mail Server |Database and   |access user   |boxes. Again   |detection log, |
|              |Web-Server     |database, mail|defined by the |etc. Again     |
|              |               |routing rules,|Configurations |defined by the |

Pay attention that the Software_on_its_Own contains all your product business
logic, which could be useless if you hadn't a Configuration to define how to
work with a data_bundle, provided by the user. So, Configurations are what
connects your product to the user.
We can use a metaphor about a Sculptor (business_logic), that needs Bronze
(content) and a Theme or Inspiration (configuration) from a Mecenas (user), to
produce a beautiful work (content). He make annotations in his Journal (logs)
about his day-by-day activities, to report to his Mecenas (user).

3.2. The Importance of Clear Separation Between Four Parts

OK, so let's be more practical. The fact is, if we correctly use the universal
parts_concept, we greatly improve the quality of our Product. We'll do that
simply separating, encapsulating, each one of these parts in different system
directories (having only different files for each part is not sufficient).
There is a standard called FHS that defines the Linux directories for each
part, and we'll discuss it later in Section 4,_“Linux_Directory_Hierarchy:
By now let's see the value of this separation to the user:

  1. He gains a clear vision about where is each part, specially his
     Configurations and Content, and he feels your Product as something
     completely under control. The clareza brings ease of use, security and
     confidence in your Product. And in practice it permits him manipulate each
     part independently
  2. It is clear now that, for instance, when backing up, user action is needed
     only for Configurations and Content (the puritans will also backup some
     logs). The user don't have to care about Software_on_its_Own, because it
     is safe, original, on the product CD, in his shelf.
  3. For upgrades, the new package will overwrite only the business_logic,
     leaving intact the user's precious Configurations and Content. Here is
     very important to keep old content and configuration compatible, or to
     provide some tools help migration of data
  4. The logs being kept in a separate filesystem (obviously suggested in your
     documentation), avoids that their exaggerated growth interfere with the
     Content, or with the stability of the whole system
  5. If your Software follows some directory standards, the user don't have to
     reconfigure his system or environment to use it. He will simply Install-

Let's make some exercise with separation using as example a system called
MySoftware, in which the business_logic is in Example 1,_“A_Shell_program
referring_an_external_configuration_file” and the configuration is in
Example 2,_“File_containing_only_the_configurations_for_MySoftware”.
Example 1. A Shell program referring an external configuration file


  ## /usr/bin/MySoftware
  ## Business logic of MyProgram system.
  ## Do not change nothing in this file. All configuration can be
  ## made on /etc/MySoftware.conf
  ## We'll not support any modifications made here.

  # Default configuration file
  CONF=/etc/MySoftware.conf	 1

  # Minimal content directories
  MIN_CONTENT_PATH=/var/www:/var/MySoftware/www	 2

  if [ -r "$CONF"]; then
          . "$CONF"	 3

  # All the content I'll serve are the "minimal" plus the ones provided
  # by the user in the configuration file $CONF


_1_ Definition of the configuration file name.
_2_ Definition of some static parameters.
_3_ The configuration is readed from an external file, if exists.
_4_ After reading the configuration file, all content directories -- user's +
    product's -- goes together in the $CONTENT_PATH, that will be used from now

Example 2. File containing only the configurations for MySoftware

  ## /etc/MySoftware.conf
  ## Configuration parameters for MySoftware.
  ## Change as much as you want.

  # Content directory.
  # A ':' separated list of directories for your content.
  # The directories /var/www and /var/MySofware are already there, so
  # include here your special directories, if any.
  CONF_CONTENT_PATH=/var/NewInstance:/var/NewInstance2	 1

  # Your e-mail address, for notifications.	 2

  # Logs directory
  LOG_DIR=/var/log/myInstance	 3

_1_ _2_ _3_ These are user defined parameters.

3.3. One Body, Many Souls

When I was a system administrator for IBM e-business Hosting Services, I was
fascinated by Apache's flexibility letting us do things like this:

  bash# /usr/sbin/httpd &amp;
  bash# /usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/ &amp;
  bash# /usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/ &amp;
  bash# /usr/sbin/httpd -f /etc/httpd/ &amp;

If we don't pass any parameter (like the first example), Apache loads its
default, hardcoded configuration file from /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. We built
other configs, one for each customer, with a completely different structure, IP
address, loaded modules, content directory, passwords, domains, log strategy
This same concept is used by a text editor of a multiuser desktop (like Linux).
When the code is loaded, it looks for a configuration file on the user's $HOME,
and depending who invoked him (user A or B), it will appear differently because
each user has its own personal configuration.
The obvious conclusion is that the Software's body (business_logic) is pure e
completely oriented by his manipulator's spirit (configuration). But the
competitive advantage lays on how easy we switch from one spirit to another,
like in Apache's example. It is very healthy to promote it to your user. You'll
be letting him create intimacy, reliability, confort with your Product.
We used this approach with many different Softwares in that e-business Hosting
time, and it was extremely usefull for maintenance etc. In a version migration
we had total control over where were each_of_its_parts, and upgraded and
downgraded Software with no waste of time, with obvious success.
But there were some Products that refused to work this way. They had so many
hardcoded parameters, that we couldn't see what divided the body from their
spirit (or other parts). These Softwares were marked as bad guys and discarded/
replaced as soon as possible.
We concluded that the good guys Softwares were intuitively blessed by their
developer's four_parts_vision. And they made our life easyer. In fact, in that
time we formulated this theory, that continues to prove itself.
Do you want to deploy bad guy or good guy Software?

4. Linux Directory Hierarchy: Oriented to the Software Parts

By now, all discussion are OS independent. On Linux, the Four_Software_Parts
theory is expressed in his directory structure, which is classified and
documented in the Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard. The FHS is part of the LSB_
(Linux_Standard_Base), which makes him a good thing because all the industry is
moving thowards it, and is a constant preoccupation to all distributions. FHS
defines in which directories each peace of Apache, Samba, Mozilla, KDE and your
Software must go, and you don't have any other reason to not use it while
thinking in developing your Software, but I'll give you some more:

  1. FHS is a standard, and we can't live without standards
  2. This is the most basic OS organization, that are related to access levels
     and security, where users intuitively find each type of file, etc
  3. Makes user's life easyer

This last reason already justifies FHS adoption, so allways use the FHS !!!
More about FHS importance and sharing the same directory structure can be found
in Red_Hat_website.

4.1. FHS Summary

So let's summarize what the FHS has to say about Linux directories:
Linux system directories

      Directory for the executables that are accessed by all users (everybody
      have this directory in their $PATH). The main files of your Software will
      probably be here. You should never create a subdirectory under this

      Like /usr/bin, but here you'll find only boot process vital executables,
      that are simple and small. Your Software (being high-level) probably
      doesn't have nothing to install here.

      Like /usr/bin, but contains only the executables that must be accessed by
      the administrator (root user). Regular users should never have this
      directory in their $PATH. If your Software is a daemon, This is the
      directory for some of executables.

      Like /usr/sbin, but only for the boot process vital executables, and that
      will be accessed by sysadmin for some system maintaining. Commands like
      fsck (filesystem check), init (father of all processes), ifconfig
      (network configuration), mount, etc can be found here. It is the system's
      most vital directory.

      Contains dynamic libraries and support static files for the executables
      at /usr/bin and /usr/sbin. You can create a subdirectory like /usr/lib/
      myproduct to contain your helper files, or dynamic libraries that will be
      accessed only by your Software, without user intervention. A subdirectory
      here can be used as a container for plugins_and_extensions.

      Like /usr/lib but contains dynamic libraries and support static files
      needed in the boot process. You'll never find an executable at /bin or /
      sbin that needs a library that is outside this directory. Kernel modules
      (device drivers) are under /lib.

      Contains configuration files. If your Software uses several files, put
      them under a subfolder like /etc/myproduct/

      The name comes from "variable", because everything that is under this
      directory changes frequently, and the package system (RPM) doesn't keep
      control of. Usually /var is mounted over a separate high-performance
      partition. In /var/log logfiles grow up. For web content we use /var/www,
      and so on.

      Contains the user's (real human beings) home directories. Your Software
      package should never install files here (in installation time). If your
      business logic requires a special UNIX user (not a human being) to be
      created, you should assign him a home directory under /var or other place
      outside /home. Please, never forget that.

  /usr/share/doc, /usr/share/man
      The "share" word is used because what is under /usr/share is platform
      independent, and can be shared among several machines across a network
      filesystem. Therefore this is the place for manuals, documentations,
      examples etc.

  /usr/local, /opt
      These are obsolete folders. When UNIX didn't have a package system (like
      RPM), sysadmins needed to separate an optional (or local) Software from
      the main OS. These were the directories used for that.

You may think is a bad idea to break your Software (as a whole) in many pieces,
instead of keeping it all under a self-contained directory. But a package
system_(RPM) has a database that manages it all for you in a very professional
way, taking care of configuration files, directories etc. And if you spread
your Software using the FHS, beyond the user friendliness, you'll bring an
intuitive way to the sysadmin configure it, and work better with performance
and security.

4.2. Examples Using the FHS

Now that we know where each part of our software must be installed, lets review
the Universal_Parts_Table applied to the FHS.
Table 2. Same Software, applying FHS
|          |Software_on  |Configurations      |Content      |Logs,_Dumps_etc |
|           |             |                    |             |/var/db/        |
|           |/usr/bin/, / |                    |             |instance1/      |
|           |usr/lib/, /  |                    |/var/db/     |transactions/, /|
|Data Base  |usr/share/   |                    |instance1/, /|var/log/db/     |
|Server     |doc/mydb/, / |/etc/mydb/          |var/db/      |access-         |
|           |usr/share/   |                    |instance2/,  |instance1.log, /|
|           |doc/mydb/    |                    |etc          |var/log/db/     |
|           |examples/    |                    |             |access-         |
|           |/usr/bin/, / |                    |             |                |
|           |usr/lib/, /  |                    |             |                |
|           |usr/lib/     |                    |             |                |
|           |myeditor/    |                    |             |                |
|Text Editor|plugins/, /  |$HOME/.myeditor.conf|$HOME/Docs/  |$HOME/.myeditor-|
|           |usr/share/   |                    |             |tmp/            |
|           |myeditor/    |                    |             |                |
|           |templates/, /|                    |             |                |
|           |usr/share/   |                    |             |                |
|           |/usr/bin/, / |                    |             |                |
|           |usr/lib/, /  |                    |             |                |
|MP3        |usr/lib/     |                    |             |$HOME/.mymp3-   |
|Generator  |mymp3/       |$HOME/.mymp3.conf   |$HOME/Music/ |tmp/            |
|           |plugins/, /  |                    |             |                |
|           |usr/share/   |                    |             |                |
|           |/usr/sbin/, /|                    |             |                |
|           |usr/bin/, /  |                    |             |                |
|           |usr/lib/     |                    |/var/www/, / |/var/logs/      |
|           |httpd-       |/etc/httpd/, /etc/  |var/www/     |httpd/, /var/   |
|Web Server |modules/, /  |httpd/instance1/, / |instance1/, /|logs/httpd/     |
|           |usr/share/   |etc/httpd/instance2/|var/www/     |instance1/, /   |
|           |doc/httpd/, /|                    |instance2/   |var/logs/httpd/ |
|           |usr/share/   |                    |             |instance2/      |
|           |doc/httpd/   |                    |             |                |
|           |/usr/sbin/, /|                    |             |/var/spool/     |
|E-Mail     |usr/bin/, /  |/etc/mail/, /etc/   |             |mailqueue/, /   |
|Server     |usr/lib/, /  |       |/var/mail/   |var/logs/       |
|           |usr/share/   |                    |             |mail.log        |

4.3. Developer, Do Not Install in /opt or /usr/local !

If you are a systems administrator, this section is not for you. This is a
subject for developers and packagers, to make sysadmin's life easyer.
The /opt and /usr/local directories are used by sysadmins to manualy non-
packaged files (without RPM) of a software, precisely to not loose control over
those files. Notice how separated this folder are from the rest of the system.
A manual installation process (without RPM, or based on simple file copy) is
documented in forgoten document inside a drawer (if it was documented), and
inside the head of who made installation. If he moves to another job, that
installations becomes obscure to the rest of the team, and is a time bomb.
With RPM is different. RPM (or any other package system) is an installation
"process" by itself. It is self-documented in his database and pre and post-
install actions, which permits total control. Turns installations independent
from who did it, turning installtions in a business process.
Installations based on coping files into /opt or /usr/local are far from
providing the organization, system visibility and control that RPM provides. I
can say /opt and /usr/local would be obsoleted when all softwares become
It is very important to Linux evolution and popularization (especially in the
desktop battlefield), that developers stop using this hell directories, and
start using the FHS. After reading this section, if you still think this
folders are good business, please drop me an e-mail.
Products that are entirely installed under one directory, use the self-
contained approach, that has several problems:

  1. Forces the user to change environment variables like $PATH and
     $LD_LIBRARY_PATH to use your product easily.
  2. Puts files in non-standard places, complicating system integration, and
     future installation of extensions to your product.
  3. The sysadmin probably didn't prepared disk space in these partitions,
     generating problems in installation time.
  4. It is an accepted approach only for pure graphical application, without
     the command line concept. This is why it were well accepted in Windows.
  5. ...even using this approach, you can't avoid installing or changing files
     in standard locations to, for instance, make your icons appear in the user

Many developers believe that the "self-contained" approach let them work with
several versions of the same product, for testing purposes, or whatever. Yes,
agree, with this or any good reason in the planet. But remember that a High
Quality Software (or Commercial Grade Software) objective is to be practical
for the final user, and not to be easy to their developers and testers. Invite
yourself to visit an unexperienced user (but potential customer) and watch him
installing your product.
Developer, don't be afraid of spreading your files according to FHS because RPM
will keep an eye on them.
If you have a business reason to let the user work with several versions of
your Product simultaneously (or any other reason), make a relocatable_package,
which is described in the Maximum_RPM book. Be also aware about the
implications of using this feature, described_in_the_same_book.
Red Hat and derivated distributions allways use the directory standard, instead
of /opt or /usr/local. Read_what_Red_Hat_says_about_this_subject, and think
about it.


The Makefiles of an OpenSource Software that is portable to other UNICES must
have the standard installation in /usr/local for compatibility reasons. But
must also give the option, and induct the packager, to create the package using
FHS specifications.

5. Provide Architecture for Extensions and Plugins

You'll probably let other Software vendors plug extensions to your product.
Since you are the author of the initial Software, is your responsability to
organize it in such a way that the user can simply install the extension RPM
and use it, without forcing him modify any configuration file. It is again the
famous Install-and-Use that guarantees ease-of-use.
Well, and extension is nothing more that some files in a right format (DLLs
that implements the API your Software defined), put in the right folders
(directories your Software looks for extensions).
We can see many applications requesting the user to change configuration files
to "declare" the presence of a new plugin. This is a bad approach that must be
avoided because makes user's or plugin provider's life harder.
The most important thing to consider in your plugin architecture is to not
share files between plugins and your Software. You should provide an
architecture where plugins will be able to fully install and uninstall
themselves by simply putting and removing files in specific directories,
documented in you Software. Good candidates are /usr/lib/myproduct/plugins as
the plugins directory, and /etc/myproduct/plugins as the plugins configuration
files directory. Your Software and plugins must be sufficient intelligent to
know how to find files, specially configurations, in these directories.
Using this approach, no post-install procedures is required from the user, and
from the plugin provider.

5.1. Abstracting About Plugins

I would like to close this subject inviting the reader a se abstratir and think
about any Software can be treated as an extension to the lower level Software.
In the same way a third party plugin is an extension to your Software, your
Software is also an extension to the OS (lower level). This is where all the
Integration (from the title of this document) magic lives. So we can apply all
the ease-of-use concepts we discussed before to the plugin architecture design
of your Software.

6. Allways Provide RPM Packages of Your Softwares

This is extremely important for many reasons:

  1. Ease-of-use. This is allways the primordial motivation.
  2. Automates some tasks that must be made before and after the installation
     of your Software. Again bringing ease-of-use.
  3. Intelligently manages configuration files, documentation etc, providing
     more control in an upgrade
  4. Manages interdependencies with other packages and versions, guaranteeing
     good functionality.
  5. Lets you distribute Software with your company's digital signature, and
     makes integrity checks (MD5) in each file, guaranteeing precedence, and
     reporting unwanted file modification.
  6. Provides tools to let interact with your graphic installer.

But a good package is not only put together your files in a RPM. FHS must be
followed, configuration and documentation files must be marked as is, and pre-
and post-install scripts must be robust, to not let them damage the system
(remember that installation processes is done by root).
Know well RPM because it can bring much power and facilities to you and your
user. There are a lot of documentation available about RPM on the Internet:

* The book Maximum_RPM, also available on-line and in printable PostScript
* RPM-HOWTO which is smaller and more straight-forward.

6.1. Software Package Modularization

You should give user the option to install only the part of your Software he
wants. Imagine your Software has a client part and a server part, and both use
files and libraries in common. You should break them in 3 RPMs. For instance,
lets say the name of your product is MyDB, so you'll provide the packages:

  1. MyDB-common-1.0-3.i386.rpm
  2. MyDB-server-1.0-3.i386.rpm
  3. MyDB-client-1.0-3.i386.rpm

and last 2 packages depends on the first. If the user is installing a client
profile, he will use:

  1. MyDB-common-1.0-3.i386.rpm
  2. MyDB-client-1.0-3.i386.rpm

If he is installing a server profile:

  1. MyDB-common-1.0-3.i386.rpm
  2. MyDB-server-1.0-3.i386.rpm

This approach will help the user save disk space, and be aware of how your
Software is organized.

7. Security: The Omnipresent Concept

From a very general perspective, security is synonym of order, conscience. And
insecure is everything that makes a system stop without the user wish. So
besides open network ports, or weak cryptography (that are beyond the scope of
this document), applications that inducts the user to use it only as root, or
make him change files in inappropriate places, is considered insecure. We can
say the same for the apps that fills a filesystem that is vital to the OS.
Many standards appeared from good practices discussed and developed in
conjunction for a long time. So you should know and use them when you'll
package your software, because they are key for you to achieve a good
organization (security) level.

8. Graphical User Interface

Everybody loves graphical interfaces. Many times they make our life easyer, and
this way helps to popularize a Software, because the learning curve get
smaller. But for the everyday use, a command with many options and a good
manual becomes much more practical, making scripts easy, remote access, etc. So
the suggestion is, whenever is possible, to provide both interfaces: graphical
for the beginners, and the powerfull command line for the expert.

8.1. KDE, GNOME, Java or Motif?

Better then a simple graphical interface is a consistent integrated desktop. So
developer, please do not reinvent the wheel using proprietary libraries.
Today's Linux desktop is full-featured, complete APIs that makes your life
The desktops today in Linuxland are KDE and GNOME. Try to allways use one of
them, or both.
KDE is the most outstanding, offering a true consistent desktop, flexible, with
an extremely elegant architecture, using components (like Microsoft's COM and
COM+), intercommunication, performance etc. It is constantly evolving, and is
developed in C++. Its applications have an familiar integrated look-and-feel,
is light and mature. People say that KDE 3 is shiny diamond, ready to be used,
and is my first suggestion to you.
GNOME also brings the integrated desktop proposal, but it is far from the
maturity and ease-of-use of KDE. From the other side, is very well supported by
the comunity, and good improvements are appearing.
Motif isn't an integrated desktop. It is a widgets library (button, scrollbar
etc), plus a window-manager. It was born commercial, is mature and popular in
commercial applications. But is considered obsolete in front of KDE and GNOME,
that integrates the desktop. Motif source code was opened by the OpenGroup and
because that was renamed to OpenMotif.
Java is being used more and more for graphical interfaces, specially in server
Software, where the graphics are only helpers to configuration and

8.2. Web Interface: Access from Anywhere

Nowadays every desktop has a browser, and if your Product is a server
application, the Web Interface is the right choice, because it lets a user
administer it from anywhere. But keep in mind the security and organization of
your CGIs, because they use to be front doors for crackers. Web interface (CGI)
is completely different programming paradigm. Try to understand it conceptually
first, starting from "how a web-server works", "what is a URL", etc, to get on
this without compromising your Product's security.

8.3. Wizards and Graphical Installers

Specially for a commercial Product, your Software must provide a graphical
installer. Believe me, they are impressive in a demonstration, and CIOs love
More then just installation, a wizard helps in the initial configuration of
your Product, collects info like activation key etc, and shows the developer
A wizard should not do more than this:

  1. Ask which modules to install, experienced by the user as checkboxes.
  2. Get the necessary info to build an initial configuration_(the_soul) for
     the Software.
  3. Install the selected modules, that are in fact RPM files. Each checkbox
     must represent one or more RPMs, because each RPM is a indivisible
     (atomic) portion of a Software.
  4. After RPMs installation, change the configuration_(soul) files (marked
     this way in the RPMs), or create some content, based on the data the user
     gave to the wizard.

So the wizard hides the RPM installation and writes initial personalization.
RPM is still responsable for putting all your software files in the correct
places. This role should never be of your installer. Think that an experienced
user (there are a lot of them in the Linux world) should be able to reproduce
your Product installation without the graphical help, using only RPM commands.
In fact, in big data centers, where people make mass installations, a graphical
installer only disturbs.
RPM provides tools that help your graphical installer interact with them, like
installation percentage viewer. Documentation for use are allways in the RPM
manual (man rpm) and in the Maximum_RPM book.

9. Starting Your Software Automatically on Boot

The way Linux starts (and stops) all its subsystems is very simple and modular.
Lets you define initialization order, runlevels etc

9.1. From BIOS to Subsystems

Lets review what happens when we boot Linux:

  1. The BIOS or a bootloader (lilo, zlilo, grub, etc) loads Linux Kernel from
     disk to memory, with some parameters defined in the bootloader
     configuration. We can see this process watching the dots that appear in
     the screen. Kernel file stays in the /boot directory, and is accessed only
     at this moment.
  2. In memory, Kernel code starts to run, detecting a series of vital devices,
     disk partitions etc.
  3. On of the last things Kernel does is to mount the / (root) filesystem,
     that obrigatoriamente must contain the /etc, /sbin, /bin and /lib
  4. Immediately behind, calls the program called init (/sbin/init) and passes
     the control to him.
  5. The init command will read his configuration file (/etc/inittab) which
     defines the system runlevel, and some Shell scripts to be run.
  6. These scripts will continue the setup of system's minimal infrastructure,
     mounting other filesystems (according to /etc/fstab), activating swap
     space (virtual memory), etc.
  7. The last step, and most interesting for you, is the execution of the
     special script called /etc/rc.d/rc, which initializes the subsystems
     according to a directory structure under /etc/rc.d. The name rc comes from
     run commands.

9.2. Runlevels

The runlevels mechanism lets Linux initialize itself in different ways. And
also lets us change from one profile (runlevel) to another without rebooting.
The default runlevel is defined in /etc/inittab with a line like this:
Example 3. Default runlevel (3, in this case) line in /etc/inittab


Runlevels are numbers from 0 to 6 and each one of them is used following this

      Halts the system. Turning to this runlevel, all subsystems are softly
      deactivated before the shutdown. Don't use it in the initdefault line of

      Mono-user mode. Only vital subsystems are initialized because it is used
      for system maintenance. No user authentication (login) is required in
      this runlevel. A command line is directly returned to the user.

  3, 2
      3 is used when a system is in full production. Take it as the runlevel
      your software will run. 2 is historical and is like 3, but without NFS.

      Not used. You can define it as you want, but is uncommon.

      Like 3 plus a graphical login. It is ideal for a desktop workstation. Use
      3 if the machine will be used as a server, for security and performance

      Like runlevel 0, but after complete stop, the machine is rebooted. Don't
      use it in the initdefault line of /etc/inittab.

You can switch from one runlevel to another using the telinit command. And you
can see the current runlevel and the last one with the runlevel command. See
bellow how we switched from runlevel 3 to 5.

  bash# runlevel
  N 3
  bash# telinit 5
  bash# runlevel
  3 5

9.3. The Subsystems

Subsystems examples are a web-server, data base server, OS network layer etc.
We'll not consider a user oriented application (like a text editor) as a
Linux provides an elegant and modular way to organize the subsystems
initialization. An important fact to think is about subsystems
interdependencies. For instance, it makes no sense to start a web-server before
basic networking subsystem is active.
Subsystems are organized under the /etc/init.d and /etc/rc.d/rcN.d directories:

      All installed Subsystems put in this directory a control program, which
      is a script that follows a simple_standard_described_bellow. This is a
      simplified listing of this directory:
      Example 4. Subsystems installed in /etc/init.d

        bash:/etc/init.d# ls -l
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   9284 Aug 13  2001 functions
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   4984 Sep  5 00:18 halt
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   5528 Nov  5 09:44 firewall
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   1277 Sep  5 21:09 keytable
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root    487 Jan 30  2001 killall
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   7958 Aug 15 17:20 network
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   1490 Sep  5 07:54 ntpd
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   2295 Jan 30  2001 rawdevices
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   1830 Aug 31 09:29 httpd
        -rwxr-xr-x  1 root  root   1311 Aug 15 14:18 syslog

  /etc/rc.d/rcN.d (N is the runlevel indicator)
      These directories must contain only special symbolic links to the scripts
      in /etc/init.d. This is how it looks:
      Example 5. /etc/rc3.d listing

        bash:/etc/rc3.d# ls -l
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     18 Jan 14 11:59 K92firewall -> ../init.d/
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     17 Jan 14 11:59 S10network -> ../init.d/
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     16 Jan 14 11:59 S12syslog -> ../init.d/
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     18 Jan 14 11:59 S17keytable -> ../init.d/
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     20 Jan 14 11:59 S56rawdevices -> ../
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     16 Jan 14 11:59 S56xinetd -> ../init.d/
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     18 Jan 14 11:59 S75httpd -> ../init.d/
        lrwxrwxrwx  1 root  root     11 Jan 13 21:45 S99local -> ../rc.local

      Pay attention that all link names has a prefix starting with letter K
      (from Kill, to deactivate) or S (from Start, to activate), and a 2 digit
      number that defines the boot activation priority. In our example we have
      HTTPd (priority 75) starting after the Network (priority 10) subsystem.
      And the Firewalling subsystem will be deactivated (K) in this runlevel.

So to make your Software start automatically in the boot process, it must be a
subsystem, and we'll see how to do it in the following section.

9.4. Turning Your Software Into a Subsystem

Your Software's files will spread across the filesystems, but you'll want to
provide a simple and consistent interface to let the user at least start and
stop it. Subsystems architecture promotes this ease-of-use, also providing a
way (non obrigatoria) to be automatically started on system initialization. You
just have to create your /etc/init.d script following a standard to make it
Example 6. Skeleton of a Subsystem control program in /etc/init.d

  # /etc/init.d/mysystem
  # Subsystem file for "MySystem" server
  # chkconfig: 2345 95 05	 1
  # description: MySystem server daemon
  # processname: MySystem
  # config: /etc/MySystem/mySystem.conf
  # config: /etc/sysconfig/mySystem
  # pidfile: /var/run/

  # source function library
  . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

  # pull in sysconfig settings
  [ -f /etc/sysconfig/mySystem ] &amp;&amp; . /etc/sysconfig/mySystem	 2

  .	 3

  start() {	 4
  	echo -n $"Starting $prog:"
  	.	 5
  	[ "$RETVAL" = 0 ] &amp;&amp; touch /var/lock/subsys/$prog

  stop() {	 6
  	echo -n $"Stopping $prog:"
  	.	 7
  	killproc $prog -TERM
  	[ "$RETVAL" = 0 ] &amp;&amp; rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$prog

  reload() {	 8
  	echo -n $"Reloading $prog:"
  	killproc $prog -HUP

  case "$1" in	 9
  		if [ -f /var/lock/subsys/$prog ] ; then
  			# avoid race
  			sleep 3
  		status $prog
  	*)	 10
  		echo $"Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|reload|condrestart|status}"
  exit $RETVAL

_1_         Although these are comments, they are used by chkconfig command and
            must be present. This particular line defines that on runlevels
            2,3,4 and 5, this subsystem will be activated with priority 95 (one
            of the lasts), and deactivated with priority 05 (one of the
_2_         Besides your Software's_own_configuration, this script can also
            have a configuration file. The standard place for it is under /etc/
            sysconfig directory, and in our case we call it mySystem. This code
            line reads this configuration file.
_4_ _6_ _8_ Your script can have many functions, but it is obrigatorios the
            implementation of start and stop methods, because they are
            responsible for (de)activation of your Subsystem on boot. Other
            methods can be called from the command line, and you can define as
            much as you want.
_9_         After defining the script actions, the command line is analyzed and
            the requested method (action) is called.
_10_        If this script is executed without any parameter, it will return a
            help message like this:

              bash# /etc/init.d/mysystem
              Usage: mysystem {start|stop|restart|reload|condrestart|status}

_3_ _5_ _7_ Here you put your Software's specific command.

The mysystem subsystem methods you implemented will be called by users with the
service command like this example:
Example 7. service command usage

  bash# service mysystem start
  Starting MySystem:			[ OK ]
  bash# service mysystem status
  Subsysten MySystem is active with pid 1234
  bash# service mysystem reload
  Reloading MySystem:			[ OK ]
  bash# service mysystem stop
  Stopping MySystem:			[ OK ]

You don't have to worry about managing the symbolic links in /etc/rc.d/rcN.d.
The chkconfig command makes it for you, based on the control comments defined
in the beginning of your script.
Example 8. Using the chkconfig command

  bash# chkconfig --add mysystem
  bash# chkconfig --del mysystem

Read the chkconfig manual page to see what more it can do for you.

9.5. Packaging Your Boot Script

When you'll create the RPM, put your Subsystem script in /etc/init.d and do not
include any /etc/rc.d/rcN.d link, because it is a user decision to make your
subsystem automatic or not. If you include them and the user makes any change,
the RPM file inventory will become inconsistent.
The symbolic links must be created and removed dynamically by the post-
installation and pre-uninstallation process of your package, using the
chkconfig command. This approach guarantees 100% package and filesystem

A. Red Hat, About the Filesystem Structure

This text was taken from The_Official_Red_Hat_Linux_Reference_Guide

Why Share a Common Structure?

An operating system's filesystem structure is its most basic level of
organization. Almost all of the ways an operating system interacts with its
users, applications, and security model are dependent upon the way it stores
its files on a primary storage device (normally a hard disk drive). It is
crucial for a variety of reasons that users, as well as programs at the time of
installation and beyond, be able to refer to a common guideline to know where
to read and write their binary, configuration, log, and other necessary files.
A filesystem can be seen in terms of two different logical categories of files:

  1. Shareable vs. unsharable files
  2. Variable vs. static files

Shareable files are those that can be accessed by various hosts; unsharable
files are not available to any other hosts. Variable files can change at any
time without system administrator intervention (whether active or passive);
static files, such as documentation_and_binaries, do not change without an
action from the system administrator or an agent that the system administrator
has placed in motion to accomplish that task.
The reason for looking at files in this way has to do with the type of
permissions given to the directory that holds them. The way in which the
operating system and its users need to utilize the files determines the
directory where those files should be placed, whether the directory is mounted
read-only or read-write, and the level of access allowed on each file. The top
level of this organization (/ directory)is crucial, as the access to the
underlying directories can be restricted or security problems may manifest
themselves if the top level is left disorganized (security=organization) or
without a widely-utilized_structure.
However, simply having a structure does not mean very much unless it is a
standard. Competing structures can actually cause more problems than they fix.
Because of this, Red Hat has chosen the_most_widely-used_filesystem_structure
and extended it only slightly to accommodate special files used within Red Hat

B. About this Document

This document must be distributed under the terms of GNU_Free_Documentation
License, which makes him sufficiently free. Everybody in invited to contribute
to his content and ideas.
Copyright 2002, Avi Alkalay.
This document is published in the following locations:

* Main_distribution [pt_BR] [XML_Source]
* LinuxDoc,_as_a_HOWTO [single_page] [PDF]
* Linux_and_Main_essay (24th March 2002)

It was written originally in brazilian portuguese, and then translated to
english. SGML and the more-then-incredible DocBook was used, that made possible
this document being distributed in other formats, found in website.
It got ready (potuguese+english) in mid march 2002. Everything changed after
this epoch is cosmetics.
I wrote it to help commercial companies and OpenSource developers make plug-
and-play, easy-to-use software for Linux, and this way improve Linux usability
and popularity.
All concepts (from a high level perspective) described here, can be used in any
UNIX flavor, or even other OS, like Windows. Maybe some day I'll write one of
these for Windows....or Mac....