These are examples of the results after running the sh_who.d script. 

This script shows which UIDs and PIDs are running shell scripts, and how 
active they are.  It measures the number of lines executed according to 
the line probe - which is a useful, but rough measure of shell activity.

Here it runs as a script executes three times.

# sh_who.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
    13663      0      9 ./
    13667      0      9 ./
    13671      0      9 ./

We see ran three seperate times, each with nine lines of shell 

Here we trace an instance of starting Mozilla Firefox.

# sh_who.d
Tracing... Hit Ctrl-C to end.
    13678    100      1 firefox
    13679    100      1 firefox
    13680    100      1 firefox
    13681    100      1 firefox
    13683    100      1 firefox
    13685    100      1 firefox
    13686    100      1 firefox
    13687    100      1 firefox
    13690    100      1 firefox
    13693    100      1 /usr/lib/firefox/
    13694    100      1 /usr/lib/firefox/
    13695    100      1 /usr/lib/firefox/
    13692    100     55 /usr/lib/firefox/
    13677    100     75 firefox

Firefox itself (PID 13677) ran 75 lines of code.  There are also instances of 
firefox running a single line of code with a different PID each time.  These 
are probably calls to subshells.  Use the sh provider to confirm.